Skills Assessment: Assess career interests, work readiness and work values pertaining to an array of careers.
Job Search Assistance: Learn about different occupations, conducting a job search, preparing a resume, interviewing techniques, researching company information, contacting employers, and conducting follow-up on submitted applications and resumes.
On-line Accessibility: We provide computers so you can find jobs in your town or county, match your skills with the jobs that are available right now, create resumes and cover letters, send job opportunities to your email account, and more. You can also apply for unemployment benefits.
Resource Room: Browse written and electronic materials on resume writing and occupations, read more about various careers, obtain labor market information, find apprenticeships and job opportunities.
Workshops: We offer workshops on a number of topics, including
If you're an idividual looking for a job, need assistance with your resume/tuition, need tips for a job interview or you're a veteran looking for services click the link below for more information.
The NALWDB adult and dislocated worker programs are developed with a singular goal: to provide high quality services to our communities that will help move people into a better life, assistance with opportunities providing access to higher paying jobs that will provide the self-sufficient wages needed to flourish in the 21st Century and relevant skills development to become a more valuable employee. To accomplish this, the NALWDB’s adult service provider, HELP NM, operates workforce and education programs and collaborates closely with its partners and local employers to develop a strong business-driven workforce system.
This workforce system provides for resources and opportunities for job seekers and business customers and is complemented by other important programs such as On-the-Job Training, Customized Training, and Individual Training Accounts, as well as assessment and self-directed learning tools to assist in upgrading skills that result in entry or re-entry into the labor market.
Dislocated workers and adults are offered classes in resume writing, labor market research, on-line application completion, and mock interviewing to help prepare for the job hunt. Full assessments are used to help determine skill levels required for desired occupations. When skill upgrade is required participants are either paired up with free, on-line courses, KeyTrain or PLATO (as needed) or if additional training is required, they may be referred to WIOA for assistance with Classroom Training costs or with On-the-Job Training. All participant work histories are reviewed to determine transferrable skills that may be valued in alternate industries and occupations. Individual Employment Plans are developed using the New Mexico Workforce Connection Online System (NMWCOS) to help clearly identify goals and objectives leading to employment and retention. This is an extensive process requiring labor market and training provider research paired with objective assessment to help the job seeker clearly build a pathway to success. All care is taken to assure full support of the job seeker either in the dislocated worker or adult category as they transition back to the workforce.
On-line Resources:
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